Audit & Compliance Team

Audit & Compliance Team

Özge Yılmaz Doğan - Head of Internal Audit and Risk

Özge Yılmaz DoğanÖzge Yılmaz Doğan, who received her Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Dokuz Eylul University and MBA from Bilgi University, worked in the field of Accounting and Finance between 2000-2006. She joined the PSA & Akfen joint venture in 2006 and assumed various responsibilities during the takeover of Mersin Port. While she worked as Accounting Manager for 12 years and as Procurement Manager for 3 years at MIP, she also led process improvement and digital transformation projects in the field of finance.

Following conducting several internal audit projects of PSA terminals for one year as Manager in the PSA Internal Audit Group, she was assigned as MIP Internal Audit and Risk Group Manager at the beginning of 2022. Özge Yılmaz Doğan holds a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) License and an Independent Audit License in the Capital Markets, and her Internal Audit License (CIA) process is ongoing.

Özlem Başlama – Compliance Manager

Özlem Başlama





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